CESG '97 Final Program
Revised September 17, 1997
"Computer-Intensive Econometrics"
Queen's University
Ambassador Hotel, Kingston, Ontario
September 26-28, 1997
For papers with more than one author, the name of the person presenting
the paper is marked with an asterisk.
All sessions and the two lunches will be held in the Ontario Room, which is
at the very back of the hotel, behind the pool area. The opening
reception will be held in the Rideau Room, which is on the second
floor, near the front of the hotel.
Friday, September 26:
- 19:00-22:00 Welcoming Reception (Rideau Room; cash bar and light
Saturday, September 27:
- 08:15-08:45 Registration (also coffee and continental breakfast).
- 08:45-10:25 Session I. Semiparametric Estimation.
Chair: Baldev Raj (Wilfred Laurier)
- 10:25-10:45 Coffee and tea.
- 10:45-12:25 Session II. Bootstrap Methods.
Chair: Qi Li (Guelph)
- 12:30-13:15 Lunch.
- 13:30 Session III. Structural Estimation.
Chair: Allan Gregory (Queen's)
- John Rust (Yale ), "A Comparison of Policy
Iteration Methods for Solving Continuous-State, Infinite-Horizon Markovian
Decision Problems Using Random, Quasi-random, and Deterministic
(Download Zipped PostScript File
(5.3 MB; 25 MB unzipped))
Discussant: Victor Aguirregabiria (Western)
- Stephen G. Donald, Harry J. Paarsch* (Iowa), and Jacques Robert,
"Identification, Estimation, and Testing in Empirical Models of Sequential,
Ascending-Price Auctions with Multi-unit Demand: An Application to
Siberian Timber Export Permits."
(Download Zipped PostScript File
(0.2 MB; 0.7 MB unzipped))
Discussant: Chris Nicol (Regina)
- 15:10-15:30 Coffee, tea, and soft drinks.
- 15:30-17:10 Session IV. Financial Econometrics.
Chair: Tom McCurdy (Toronto)
- 19:00 Conference Dinner, Ramada Inn (downtown Kingston), Harbour Shadows
Room, sixth floor.
Sunday, September 28:
- 08:15-08:45 Coffee and continental breakfast.
- 08:45-10:25 Session V. Testing and Evaluation.
Chair: William Veloce (Brock)
- 10:25-10:45 Coffee and tea.
- 10:45-12:25 Session VI. Bayesian Methods.
Chair: Dale Poirier (Toronto)
- Lonnie Magee (McMaster), "Linear Regression with Intercept Breaks."
(Download Zipped
PostScript Files (0.2 MB; 0.7 MB unzipped))
Discussant: Peter Schmidt (Michigan State)
- Samita Sareen (Toronto), "Likelihood Based Estimation of Symmetric
Parametric Structural Auction Models with Independent Private Values."
Discussant: Stephen Gordon (Laval)
- 12:30-13:15 Lunch.
- 13:30-15:10 Session VII. Nonlinear Estimation.
Chair: Urvashi Dhawan (Memorial)
Program Committee:
- James G. MacKinnon, Queen's University (Organizer)
- Ramazan Gencay, University of Windsor (CESG Co-ordinator)
- Russell Davidson, Queen's University
- Tom McCurdy, University of Toronto
- Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph