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Honouring David Smith Upon His Retirement

by Alan Green

On the evening October 25th about 80 former and current members and their guests gathered at the Donald Gordon Center to honour David and Mary on the accession of David's retirement from the Department. It was a great evening, at least measured by the level of laughter and the partying that went on after the official festivities had come to an end.

We could not let David off without a few "kind" words from his colleagues, so Peter Mieshowshi, now of Rice University in Houston, Steve Kaliski and James MacKinnon recounted their reflections on David as Department Head. David was given time to respond and he provided, as usual, a thoughtful reflection on his years as chair, along with a few well chosen lines, especially on James' interaction with the administration, not always an easy association.

To help David and Mary remember the evening several gifts were presented to them by Lorne Carmichael. Although David had held the ultimate chair in the University we thought it might help if he received a "real" chair from the Department for his office at home and to make life even more comfortable, a stereo and gift certificate for C.D.'s were added for general measure.

David is currently chair of a review committee which is investigating the future of postsecondary education in the province. As part of the event, a symposium was held the next morning (Saturday) entitled "Financing Postsecondary Education". Papers were presented by Michael Abbott and Charles Beach, Alan Green and Mac Urquhart, Peter Hasen (Department of Finance), Frank Milne, Robin Boadway and Lorne Carmichael. The topics covered were earnings, profiles, income growth of the graduate programme of Queen's, income contingent loans, lessons from the Australian academic experience, federal, provincial financing and restructuring postsecondary education. Lively discussions followed the presentation of each paper.

The enthusiasm and warmth shown towards David and Mary by those present plus the letters from former colleagues who could not attend, provided ample proof if any was needed, as to how much everyone appreciates the effort both gave to make this Department so highly respected and a place we all (past and present) are happy to call "our Department" - THE QED!

Please send comments to: www@qed.econ.queensu.ca.

Last modified: 4 March 1997
URL: http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/pub/newsletter/1996-97/smith.html