Policy Forum on The 1995 Federal Budget: Retrospect and Prospect, held March 30-31, 1995, joint with the Institute for Policy Analysis, University of Toronto, organized by Thomas J. Courchene and Thomas A. Wilson.
Policy Forum on Reforming the Canadian Financial Sector: Canada in Global Perspective, held June 20-21, 1996, joint with Research Program in Risk Management, School of Business, organized by Thomas J. Courchene and Edwin H. Neave.
Roundtable Series
Transition and Structural Change in the North American Labour Market, held May 25-27, 1995, joint with the Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University.
Bell Canada Paper Series
Policy Frameworks for a Knowledge Economy, fourth Conference for the Bell Canada Papers on Economic and Public Policy, held November 16-17, 1995, organized by Thomas J. Courchene.
The Nation State in a Global/Information Era: Policy Challenges, fifth Conference for the Bell Canada Papers on Economic and Public Policy, held November 14-15, 1996, organized by Thomas J. Courchene.
F32. Who Pays the Piper?: Canada's Social Policy, Roy D. Hogg and Jack Mintz (eds.), 1995.
F33. The 1995 Federal Budget: Retrospect and Prospect, Thomas J. Courchene and Thomas A. Wilson (eds.), 1995 (co-published with the Institute for Policy Analysis, University of Toronto).
F34. Reforming the Canadian Financial Sector: Canada in Global Perspective, Thomas J. Courchene and Edwin H. Neave (eds.), forthcoming January 1997.
Roundtable Series
R11. Transition and Structural Change in the North American Labour Market, Michael Abbott,
Charles Beach and Richard Chaykowski (eds.), forthcoming 1997 (joint with Industrial Relations
Centre, Queen's Univer-sity), distribution by the IRC Press, Queen's University.
Bell Canada Paper Series ($25.00 a copy)
B3. Technology, Information and Public Policy, Thomas J. Courchene (ed.), 1995.
B4. Policy Frameworks for a Knowledge Economy, Thomas J. Courchene (ed.), 1996.