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Research Grants and Contracts

by Marcia Jones

C.M.Beach, Department of Finance, 1996, $3500, Statement of Work with Mike Abbott.

C.M.Beach, Human Resources Development Canada, 1996, $10000, Modeling Earnings Mobility and Earnings Dynamics in Canada

J.Bergin, SSHRC, 1995-98, $36000, Implementation of Cooperative Solution Concepts, Evolution of Equilibrium Behaviour.

R.Davidson, SSHRC, 1995-98, $44000, Inference in Finite Samples by Nonparametric Methods, with Emphasis on Graphical and Geometrical Methods.

J.R.Duggan , SSHRC, 1995-98, $43600, Institutional Design.

C.N.Ferrall , SSHRC, 1995-98, $94626, School Quality, Educational Attainment, and Success in the Labour Market.

P.Francois, SSHRC, 1996-99, $30000, Research in Labour Economics, Development and Growth.

D.Garvie , School of Policy Studies Environmental Policy Unit Eco-Research Chair Program, 1995-96, $6000, and 1996-97,$10000 Environmental Policy.

A.G.Green , SSHRC, 1996-99, $55000, Household Labour Supply, Migration and Earnings: The Canadian Manuscript Census of 1901. With Mary MacKinnon, McGill.

A.Gregory , SSHRC, 1995-98, $48000, Dynamic Factor Analysis in Economics.

B.J.Lapham , SSHRC, 1995-98, $46000, The Macroeconomic Effects of Cyclical and Permanent Changes in Market Structure and Market Power.

F.Lewis , SSHRC, 1996-99, $34000, The Role of Information in Foregin Capital Flows in 1850-1920; An Economic Analysis of the Fur Trade of the Hudson's Bay Company.

J.MacKinnon , SSHRC, 1995-1998, $59000, Econometric Applications of Computer Simulation.

F.Milne , SSHRC, 1996-99, $30780, Finance Theory; Consumer Preference Theory; Game Theory; Market Microstructure

G.Smith , SSHRC, 1995-98, $26753, International Macroeconomics.

S.Shi , SSHRC, 1996-99,$29690, Model Transactions Cost in Monetary Economics.

R.Wang , SSHRC, 1996-99, $43420, Contingent Procurement Auctions.

Please send comments to: www@qed.econ.queensu.ca.

Last modified: 4 March 1997
URL: http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/pub/newsletter/1996-97/grants.html