ECON 861 - Empirical Micro-Economics II
Instructor: Marco Cozzi
Calendar Description
The course has three main goals: 1) present and discuss in some detail selected topics in the field of empirical microeconomics, 2) provide the students with a set of "advanced" applied tools, 3) develop some skills to enable the students to start their own independent empirical research.
In the course the following empirical techniques will be presented:
- Panel Data: OLS, Fixed Effects and Random Effects
- Instrumental Variables (IV)
- Limited Dependent Variables
- Sample Selection
- Duration Analysis
- Structural Models of the Labor Market
Moreover, the following economic applications will be discussed:
- Human Capital, Returns to Education and Tenure
- Dynamic Models of Labor Supply and Occupational Choice
- Wage Inequality
- Discrimination
- 'Natural Experiments' and Program Evaluation
- Equilibrium Unemployment: Search and Matching
- Labor Market Institutions and Optimal Unemployment Insurance
Winter Term Timetable
of Graduate Courses