Queen's University Homepage Queen's Economics Department

Welcome to the Queen's Economics Department
Alumni Home Page.

Access Your Alumni Mail Account Here.

Looking for a former classmate? Check out the current listings of our Alumni!

Click here for more information.

Want your former classmates to be able to contact you? Or how about any fellow alumni? We'd like to hear from you - where you are and what you're up to!
Get posted by contacting us!!

Looking for information about upcoming alumni events?
Check Out the QED's upcoming alumni events!

It's a blast from the past. Check out our previous alumni events!

Interested in having an email account set up with us? Contact us and we'll set one up for you!
Need to update your address? Fill out our form

  What's New in the Department? Find out what we're up to and what's happening!
Check it out!

Suggestions for Alumni Events?
Email Juanita Dennie, or call (613)533-3122

Care to help us out?
We're always looking for ways to make our department the best it can be. You can help us out with your donations. For more information visit our fund raising page.

Visit the Alumni Review.

Check out past issues of the QED Newsletter.

Alumni Stories
Read experiences and success stories from other alumni.

In Memoriam
QED alumni obituaries.