Ruqu Wang's Research



1.    Auctions

2.    Repeated Games

3.    Industrial Organization

4.    Reform Implementation

5.    Behavioral Economics

6.    Voting Theory



1.    “Simultaneous Signaling in Elimination Contests,” (with Jun Zhang)

2.    “Common Value Auctions with Refund Policy,” (with Jun Zhang)

3.    “The Dynamics of Industries with Scarce Essential Inputs,” (with Huansheng Song and Jianliang Ye)

1.    “Competitive Contingent Procurement Contracts”

2.    “Sunk Costs in Multi-Unit Auctions”

3.    “Does it Take a Tyrant to Implement a Good Reform?”(with Anna Rubinchik-Pessarch)

4.    “Rationalizing Irrational Beliefs”(with Geoffrey Dunbar, Xiaoting Wang)

5.     “A Theory of Signaling by Jump Bidding”(with Alan Gunderson)

6.    “Strategic Buybacks of Sovereign Debt”(with Jacek Prokop)

7.    “Backward Discounting and its Applications”(with Debraj Ray)

8.     “Auctions with Ex Post Verifiable Information”



1.    “Listing Prices as Signals of Quality in Markets with Negotiation,” Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming.

2.    “Coalition Formation in the Presence of Continuing Conflict,” Guofu Tan and Ruqu Wang, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol.39, 273-299, 2010.

3.     “Switching Costs in Infinitely Repeated Games,” Bart Lipman and Ruqu Wang, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.66, 292-314, 2009.

4.    “The Role of Information Revelation in Elimination Contests,” Jun Zhang and Ruqu Wang, Economic Journal, vol.119, 613-641, 2009.

5.    “A Note on Redistributive Fairness and Economic Reform,” Anna Rubinchik and Ruqu Wang, Journal of Development Economics , 86, pp.447-452, 2008.

6.    “The Optimal Consumption and the Quitting of Harmful Addictive Goods,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 7: Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 15, 2007. Available at:

7.    “Market Design with Correlated Valuations,” Yongmin Chen and Ruqu Wang, Economica, Vol.73, 659-672, 2006.

8.    “Equilibrium Selling Mechanisms,” Yongmin Chen and Ruqu Wang, Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol.5, 335-355, 2004.

9.    “A Model of Competing Selling Mechanisms,” Yongmin Chen and Ruqu Wang, Economics Letters, Vol.85, No.2, 151-155, 2004.

10.       “The Dynamics of Firms in the Presence of Adjustment Costs,” Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol.2, 353-377, 2001.

11.       “Optimal Pricing Strategy for Durable-Goods Monopoly,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol.25, 789-804, 2001.

12.       “Switching Costs in Frequently Repeated Games,” Barton Lipman and Ruqu Wang, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.93, 149-190, 2000.

13.       “Separating Equilibria in Bargaining Models with Two-Sided Uncertainty,” International Journal of Game Theory, Vol.29, 229-240, 2000.

14.       “More on Phony Bidding” Parimal Bag, Emin Dinlereoz and Ruqu Wang, Economic Theory, Vol.15, 701-707, 2000.

15.       “Bidding and Renegotiation in Procurement Auctions,” European Economic Review, Vol.44, 1577-1597, 2000.

16.       “Learning Buyers’ Valuation Distribution in Posted-Price Selling,” Yongmin Chen and Ruqu Wang, Economic Theory, Vol.14, No.2, 417-428, 1999.

17.       “Strategic Invasion in Markets with Switching Costs,” Ruqu Wang and Quan Wen, Journal of Economics and Management Strategies, Vol.7, No.4, 521-549, Winter 1998.

18.       “Auctions versus Posted-Price Selling: The Case of Correlated Private Valuations,” Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol.31, No.2, 395-410, 1998.

19.       “Probation, Layoffs and Wage-Tenure Profiles: A Sorting Explanation,” Ruqu Wang and Andrew Weiss, Labour Economics, Vol.5, No.3, 359-383, September 1998.

20.       “Competition, Wage Commitments and Application Fees,” Journal of Labor Economics, Vol.15, No.1, 124-142, January 1997.

21.       “Simultaneous Auctions with Synergies and Common Values,” Robert Rosenthal and Ruqu Wang, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.17, 32-55, 1996.

22.       “Bargaining versus Posted-Price Selling,” European Economic Review, Vol.39, No.9, 1747-1764, December 1995.

23.       “Auctions versus Posted-Price Selling,” American Economic Review, Vol.83, No.4, 838-851, September 1993.

24.       “An Explanation of Inefficiency in Markets and A Justification for Buy-and-Hold Strategies,” Robert Rosenthal and Ruqu Wang, Canadian Journal of Economics, XXVI, No.3, 609-624, 1993.

25.       “Strategic Behavior in Dynamic Auctions,” Economic Theory, Vol.3, No.3, 501-516, July 1993.

26.       “Common-Value Auctions with Discrete Private Information,” Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.54, No.2, 429-447, Aug. 1991.

27.       “Optimal Control of State Feedback of Linear Systems of Discrete-time,” Yougen Chen and Ruqu Wang, Control Theory and Applications, Vol.5, No.1, March 1988.



28.        “Evaluating China's Subsidy Policy: 1978-1984,” The Proceedings of the Fourth Economic Symposium of Chinese Young Economists, July 1988, University of California, Berkeley.

29.       “Free Rider's Problem in Earthquake Insurance,” Forum of Chinese Young Economist, Vol.3, No.2, Dec. 1987.