List of Surveys on the FTP site

(as of October 12, 1999)

               Adult Education and Training Survey (aets)

                        - 1990

                        - 1992

                        - 1994

                        - 1998

               Aboriginal Peoples Survey (aps) - 1991

               Annual Survey of Manufactures (asm) 1983 - 1995

               Absence from Work Survey (aws)

                        - 1993

                        - 1998

               Business Integrated Database (bid) - 1995

               Canada's Alcohol and other Drugs Survey (cads) - 1994

               Canadian business patterns (cbp) 1996-1998



                       1996 (Release 2_1)



                            Profile - 1991

                            Small Area Data - 1991


                    Basic Census Summary Tables (bst71)

                    Place of Work (pow71)

                    Public Use Microdata Files (pumf71)

                           Individual Files

                           Family Files

                           Household and Housing Files


                    Public Use Microdata Files (pumf76)

                           Individual Files

                           Family Files

                           Household and Housing Files


                    Basic Census Summary Tables (bst81)

                    Place of Work (pow81)

                    Profile (profile81 - ea level)

                    Public Use Microdata Files (pumf81)

                           Census Individual Files

                           Household and Housing Files


                    Basic Census Summary Tables (bst86ct)

                    Profiles (profile86)

                    Public Use Microdata Files (pumf86)

                           Individual Files

                           Family Files

                           Household and Housing Files


                    Basic Census Summary Tables (bst91csd)

                    Basic Census Summary Tables (bst91ct)

                    Profiles of FED - c91 (profile91)

                    Public Use Microdata Files (pumf91)








                         Public Use Microdata Files (pumf-ascii)

                           Individual Files

                           Family Files

                           Households and Housing

               Canada's Health Survey (chs) - 1978

               Cultural Labour Force Survey Tables (clfs) - 1993

               The Canadian Out-of-Employment Panel Survey (coep) - 1995

               Canadian Travel Survey (cts)

                              - 1980, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96 - 98

               Drinking and Driving Survey (dads) - 1988

               Dangerous Goods Accident Information System (dgais) 1988-1997

               Displaced Workers Survey (dws) - 1986

               Energy Statistics Handbook (esh)

                              - 1997

                              - 1998

               Family Expenditure (famex)

                              - 1969

                              - 1978

                              - 1982

                              - 1984

                              - 1986

                              - 1990

                              - 1992

                              - 1996

               Food Expenditure Survey - (foodex)

                              - 1986

                              - 1990

                              - 1992

               Family History Survey (fhs) - 1984

               Fleet Report, Inventory of Commercial Aircraft in Canada (fleet)

                              - 1995-10

                              - 1996-01

                              - 1996-10

                              - 1997-10

                              - 1998-10

               Financial Performance Indicators for Canadian Business (fpicb) - 1997


                   1981 Geographic Files (geogfiles)




                   1986 Geographic Files (geogfiles)




                   1991 Geographic Files (geogfiles)

                              Reference Data (refdata)

                              Spatial Data (spatdata)

                   1996 Geographic Files (geogfiles)

                              Block Face Data File (bfdf)

                              Digital Boundary File (digbound)

                              Digital Cartographic (digcart)

                              Interim (interm)

                              Postal Code Conversion File (pccf_july99)

                              Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File (pcfr_july99)

                              Postal Code Population Weight File (pcpwf)

                              Street Network and Feature Extension Files (snfef)

                              Skeletal Street Network Files (ssffrr)

                              Street Network Files (snffsrr)

                   Geographic Information Reference System (geosuite)

               General Social Survey (gss)

                              cycle 01 - cycle 11

               Household Energy Use Survey (heus) - 1993

               Household Internet Use Survey(hius)

                        - 1997

                        - 1998

               Health PCCF+ geocodes/pccf version 3 (health/pccf-fccp) - 1998

               Health and Activities Limitations Survey (hals)

                         - 1986

                         - 1991

               Health Indicators Database (hlthind)

                        - 1996

                        - 1997

                        - 1999

               Health Promotion Survey (hps)

                         - 1985

                         - 1990

               Homeowner Repair and Renovation Survey (hrrs)

                         - 1994

                         - 1995

               International Adult Literacy Survey (ials)

                        - Canadian Data - 1994

                        - 1996

               International Travel Survey (its) 1990-1996

               Job Mobility Survey (jms) - 1973


                        Criminal Justice at a Glance (cj1997)

                        QUICKSTAT Justice Databases (quickstat)

               Labour Force Survey (lfs) 1976-1998

               Literacy Skills Used in Daily Activities survey (lsuda) - 1989

               Leisure Time Activities Survey (lta) - 1972,1975,1978

               National Alcohol and Drug Survey (nads) - 1989

               National Child Care Survey (ncc) - 1988

               National Electronic Media Use Survey (nemus) - 1996

               National Graduates Survey (ngs)

                         - 1982

                         - 1986

                         - 1990

                         - 1995

                        Follow-up of Graduates (fog) - 1982, 1990

               National Longitudinal Survey of Children (nlsc)



               National Population Health Survey(nphs)

                        National Population Health Survey (1994-95)

                        National Population Health Survey (1996-97)

                        NPHS: Health Institutions (nphshi) 1994 - 95

                        NPHS: Supplements (nphsupp) 1994 - 95

               National Private Vehicle Use Survey (npvus) - 1994, 1995, 1996

               National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (nsgvp) - 1997

               Profile of Visible Minorities (pvm) - 1991

               Residential Telephone Service Survey (rtss)

                         - 11_1998

                         - 08_1998

                         - 05_1998

                         - 02_1998

                         - 08_1997

                         - 11_1997

                         - 02_1997

                         - 11_1996

               Small Area Data (sad)

                         - 1995

                         - 1996

                         - 1997

               Small Business Profiles (sbp)

                         - 1993

                         - 1995

               Survey of Consumer Finances (scf)

                        cf - Census Families (1973, 75, 77, 79, 81-82, 84-97)

                        ef - Economic Families (1973, 75-77, 79, 81-97)

                        hife - Household Income,Facilities And Equipment (1973, 75, 77, 79, 81-82, 84-97)

                        ind - Individuals Aged 15 Years And Over, With And Without Income (1981-1982, 1984-1997)

                        key - Key File (1986-1997)

               Survey on Ageing and Independence (sai) - 1991

               Sun Exposure Survey (ses) - 1996

               Standard Industrial Classification (sic-soc-scg) - 1980

                        Concordance Between the SIC and the United States (sic-soc-scg)

                        Standard Occupational Classification (sic-soc-scg) - 1991

                        Standard Classification of Goods (sic-soc-scg) - 1995

               Survey on the Importance of Nature to Canadians (sinc) - 1996

               Survey of Job Opportunities (sjo)

               Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (slid)

               School Leavers Survey (sls)

                         - 1991

                         - 1995

               Survey on Smoking in Canada (sosic) - 1995

               The Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (spsdm) - 97,98

               Survey of Union Membership (sum) - 1986

               Survey on the Value of Wildlife to Canadian (svw) - 1992

               Transition Home Survey (ths) - 1995

               Volunteer Activity Survey (vas) - 1987

               Violence Against Women Survey (vaw) - 1993

               Work Arrangements Survey (was)

                         - 1991

                         - 1995

               Work History Survey (whs) - 1981

               Work Reduction Survey (wrs) - 1985

               CANSIM - Cross-Classified(xcl - Education Tables)

               Youth Smoking Survey (yss) - 1994