ECON 452 (A & B) Winter 2001 C. Ferrall/A. Gregory
Source Papers Excluded or Reserved
- The Bowlus and Seitz paper (any version of it).
- Charette and Meng, "The determinants of literacy and numeracy and the effect
of literacy and numeracy on labour market outcomes" CJE, 1998, pp. 496-517
- Hamilton and Hamilton, "Alcohol and Earnings; does
drinking yield a wage premium?" CJE, Feb 1997 Vol. 1
- Day and Devlin, "Payoff to work without pay: volunteer work as an
investment in human capital" CJE, vol. 31(5) Nov. 1998 pg 1179-91
- Maki and Ng, "Effects of trade unions on the earnings differential between
males and females: Canadian evidence" CJE, May 1990 Vol 2 pp. 305-311
- Emery, White and Pierce, "Does cigarette price influence adolescent experimentation?"
Journal of Health Economics, March 2001
- "Jobless Duration of Displaced Workers. A Comparison" CPP, 1998, Vol.24
- "To volunteer or not" CJE, 1994
- Kapsalis, Morissette and Picot " The Returns to Education, and
the Increasing Wage Gap Between younger and Older Workers" Statistic paper
No. 131
- "What's Mine Is Yours? The Influence of Male and Female Incomes on
Patterns of Household Expenditure" Economica (1998) 65, 599-613.
- Laroche, "Health Status and Health Services Utilization of Canada's Immigrant and
Non-Immigrant Populations" CPP Vo 26, Number 1.
- >Prescott and Wandschneider "Public/private sector wage differentials in Canada - evidence from the 1991 abd 1982 surveys of
consumer finance" Journal of Applied Economics, 1999, 31, 723-731
- Day and Devlin, "Volunteerism and crowding out: canadian econometric evidence", CJE pg 37-53
- Breslaw and Stelcner, "The Effect of Health on the Labour Force Behaviour of Elderly Men
in Canada," The Journal of Human Resources, 1987. Pages 490-517
- Harkness. "Labor force participation by disabled males in canada,"
Canadian Journal of Economics, No.4 (Nov.) 1993.
- Pendakur k, Pendakur R "The Colour of Money: Earning
differentials amoung ethnic groups in Canada." CJE, August 1998
- Chaloupka and Wechsler "Price, tobacco control policies and smoking among
young adults"
- Hornstein, Andreas, "Can a Matching Model Explain the Long Run Increase in Canada's
Unemployment Rates?" CJE, Volume 32, Issue 4, August 1999
- Kaestner, Robert. "The Effect of Illicit Drug Use on the Labor Supply of
Young Adults," Journal of Human Resources. No. 29, p. 126-145.
- Kidd, "An Econometric Analysis of Interfirm Labour Mobility" CJE
- Day and Devlin. "Can Volunteer work help explain the male-female earnings gap?"
Applied Economics, 1997, 29, 707-721.